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zon 20 november 4e manche 40K

Posted: Tue Oct 11, 2016 10:17 pm
by Glenn
4e manche 40K

Ik heb opgevangen dat er mensen zijn die graag eens 2 battles doen ipv 3.
Als er veel mensen zijn die toch liever 3 battles doen hoor ik het graag.
40p op battles en 10p op painting.

Standaard 1850P ETC 2016 stijl voor de laatste keer.
[spoiler:ETC 2016 Army Building in short]1850P - Bound - Everything allowed except Forge world and some exceptions below.
Everything WYSIWYG and no proxies for ease of play
Maximum 4 detachments/formations
- No duplicates, unless it's in a Decurion type detachment.
- A Combined Arms Detachment may only be duplicated if the factions are different.
- An allied detachment can't be of the same faction as your primary detachment,
unless a specific rules allows this like with Space Marines.
Maximum 1 Super Heavy Vehicle
Maximum 1 Gargantuan Creature
- An exception is made for detachments that consist completely out of SHI/GC.
Those detachments can field more than 1. However, they all become (1 unique).
Fortifications and their upgrades are allowed, provided your list allows you to take them.
- No fortification networks, AV15, Plasma obliterator or Fortress of Redemption.[/spoiler][spoiler:General Scenario rules]Every scenario will be a combination of an Eternal War and Maelstrom of War mission.
The Eternal War mission will have a custom amount of objectives worth custom VP's.
We will be using an adjusted Maelstrom of War table in all scenario's.
You can score a maximum of 2 Maelstrom objectives per turn.
All scenarios will have 6 objective markers in total, some may only be used for Maelstrom.
Mysterious objectives will not be used.
Wiping a player will result in a 20-0 score.[/spoiler]Scenario 1
Eternal War: the scouring (6 objectives, Each player deploys 3 objectives worth 1, 2 and 3VP's in secret)
Maelstrom: cleanse and control
random deployment

Scenario 2
Eternal War: the Emperor's will (2 objectives, 4VP each)
Maelstrom: contact lost
random deployment minus the one you played in scenario 1

[spoiler:Starting a game steps:]1) Discuss terrain.
2) Army lists.
3) Roll off to place objectives. **
4) Roll-off to choose table sides. **
5) Pre-game rolls: gifts, boons, psychic powers, ... *
6) Roll for warlord traits.
7) Potential night fight roll.
8) Roll-off for deployment - Infiltrators - decide who goes first
9) Potential seize the initiative - scout moves
* Beginning with the player that chose the deployment zone.
** Emperor's will: place 4 objectives at step 3 and place the 2 Emperor's will objectives* after step 4.[/spoiler]Tijdschema

Please let me know if you join.

Participants (6)

Re: zon 20 november 4e manche 40K

Posted: Tue Nov 01, 2016 1:45 pm
by Gewoonpieter
ik zal erbij zijn

Re: zon 20 november 4e manche 40K

Posted: Wed Nov 23, 2016 2:04 am
by Glenn
4e manche 40K 2016 results

Battle 1 (20)
Vincent 20 - 0 Lars
Glenn 20 - 0 Pieter
Steven 13 - 7 Nico

Battle 2 (20)
Vincent 20 - 0 Glenn
Nico 20 - 0 Pieter
Steven 14 - 6 Lars

Painting (10)
Glenn 10
Lars 8
Steven 7
Vincent 5
Pieter 2
Nico 2

Results (50)
1. Vincent 45 [War Convocation]
2. Steven 34 [Necrons]
3. Glenn 30 [Imperial Knights & Ultramarines]
4. Nico 29 [Khorne Daemonkin]
5. Lars 14 [Imperial Guard]
6. Pieter 2 [Harlequins & Dark Eldar]